Ose-litter dob. 8th June 2021
Ose-pentue/litter synt./dob. 8.6.2021
Ghost Story’s Rings A Bell
Lonkat/hips: A/A
Kyynärät/elbows: 0/0
Silmät/eyes: Crd
Leaftribe Spells Trouble
Lonkat/hips: A/A
Kyynärät/elbows: 0/0
Silmät/eyes: crd
Ghost Story's Rings A Bell | Friby'n Originell | Friby'n Uppo-Nalle |
Ketopin Lolitas Lulu | ||
JCh. Ghost Story's Ironica | Ch. Xtremely Blue Carnoustie From Fantazija | |
Shady Lady of Netiv HaAyit | ||
Leaftribe Spells Trouble | Windy Forest's Voodoo Man | Mandane's The Godfather |
Ch. Karowi's Magic Wind | ||
Leaftribe Frog Princess | Ch. Leaftribe Old Black Joe | |
Deathless My Wild Love |
Ghost Story’s So Close
Silmät/eyes: Crd
Ghost Story’s Under The Rose
Silmät/eyes/ Crd
Ghost Story’s Storm Breaks Loose
Silmät/eyes: Crd
Ghost Story’s Someone I Choose
Silmät/eyes: Crd