Ose-litter dob. 8th June 2021

Ose-pentue/litter synt./dob. 8.6.2021

Ghost Story's Rings a Bell © Tiia Suoniemi

Ghost Story’s Rings A Bell

Lonkat/hips: A/A
Kyynärät/elbows: 0/0
Silmät/eyes: Crd

Leaftribe Spells Trouble

Lonkat/hips: A/A
Kyynärät/elbows: 0/0
Silmät/eyes: crd

Ghost Story's Rings A Bell Friby'n Originell Friby'n Uppo-Nalle
Ketopin Lolitas Lulu
JCh. Ghost Story's Ironica Ch. Xtremely Blue Carnoustie From Fantazija
Shady Lady of Netiv HaAyit
Leaftribe Spells Trouble Windy Forest's Voodoo Man Mandane's The Godfather
Ch. Karowi's Magic Wind
Leaftribe Frog Princess Ch. Leaftribe Old Black Joe
Deathless My Wild Love

Ghost Story’s So Close

Silmät/eyes: Crd

Ghost Story’s Under The Rose

Silmät/eyes/ Crd

Ghost Story’s Storm Breaks Loose

Silmät/eyes: Crd

Ghost Story’s Someone I Choose

Silmät/eyes: Crd